The jubilee of the spiritual cloister Print
Wednesday, 22 December 2010 11:29

600 anniversary of Nikolo-Korelsky Monastery, situated at the territory of Sevmash, was marked by believing people of Severodvinsk.

It is the only temple in the country, situated at the territory of shipbuilding plant. The spiritual centre of the Russian North development and first naval port in native history in 1936 gave a shelter for builders of the Severodvinsk shipyard. At its turn Sevmash kept the monastery building, placed there plant production placements.

A celebrated divine service was carried out by Rural dean of the Severodvinsk district father Konstantin. Among hundreds of parishioners was General Director of Sevmash Nikolay Kalistratov. «Today Sevmash participates in restoring of the cathedral: placements were partially repaired by efforts of shipbuilders, at the last year cupolas shone over the cathedral. In august 2009 Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kiril served a public liturgy at Nikolsky cathedral, and it says about attention not only shipbuilders, but also the church to historical and spiritual value of the monastery. I congratulate everybody with the holiday. Wish, that peace reigns in your hearts, and faith strengthens soul». From the name of Sevmash shipbuilders Nikolay Yakovlevich delivered to Father superior of Nikolsky cathedral father Alexander the icon of «Saint Evfimy and pious Antony and Felix Nikolo-Korelsky».

After the divine service opening of an exhibition «600 anniversary of Nikolo-Korelsky monastery», on which books and documents were presented from Arkhangelsk regional scientific library of N.A. Dobrolubov name, taken place at the Home of shipbuilder. The holiday finished by a concert of orthodox music and show of film «Spiritual cloister of the White Sea».

Archbishop Petrozavodsky and Karelsky, temporarily managing of Arkhangelsky and Kholmogorsky Eparchy Manuil gave his congratulation to parishioners of Nikolsky cathedral. «At the day, when our people zealously celebrate memory of Saint Nikolay, archbishop Mirlikisky, heartily greet and congratulate congregation of Arkhangelsky and Kholmogorsky Eparchy, citizens the town of Severodvinsk for the case of 600 anniversary of Nikolo-Korelsky monastery. Today workers of JSC «PO «Sevmash», due to which of long standing efforts one of the most ancient monastery at the North of Russia revives, share joy of jubilee celebrations. Let God, by prayers of Saint Nikolay Miracle-creator, Saint Evfimy Korelsky, give wisdom, defend and preserve you in faithfulness and disinterested devotion to saint orthodox faith and Native land. Let blessing of God be with you all!».

Anastasya Nikitinskaya,

Head of press-cutting service of JSC «PO «Sevmash»

Photo of Maxim Vorkunkov